Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hungry Planet

Thanks to my co-worker, Kristen for pointing this out to me. I'm so glad that they finally put some of this online. Hungry Planet: What the World Eats is an amazing coffee table style book that I came across about half a year ago. As the editorial from Amazon states:

"It's a comparative photo-chronicle of their visits to 30 families in 24 countries for 600 meals in all. Their personal-is-political portraits feature pictures of each family with a week's worth of food purchases; weekly food-intake lists with costs noted; typical family recipes; and illuminating essays, such as "Diabesity," on the growing threat of obesity and diabetes. Among the families, we meet the Mellanders, a German household of five who enjoy cinnamon rolls, chocolate croissants, and beef roulades, and whose weekly food expenses amount to $500. We also encounter the Natomos of Mali, a family of one husband, his two wives, and their nine children, whose corn and millet-based diet costs $26.39 weekly."

It is totally fascinating. And you can preview bits and bits of it HERE on Time Magazine's website. Just look at the difference between the Chadian family and the Americans. It will make you reel.

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